disability charities

Charities That Help People With Disabilities

Disability is defined according to the context. For example, ADA (Americans with Disability Act of 1990) defines Disability as “having a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity”. To help such people live a “normal” life, and not to discriminated against by depriving them of the benefits that “normal” people have naturally, the Disabled may need constant help and assistance, sometimes throughout one’s life. Official and Governmental assistance is never enough, and so, in particular for the personal aspects of such a condition, Charities For People With Disabilities have grown, as continuous care-Givers.

At least 21 types of Disability have been classified. Some of them are:

  • Hearing Impairment
  • Low Vision
  • Blindness
  • Locomotor Disability
  • Dwarfism
  • Leprosy cured Persons
  • Mental Illness
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Chronic Neurological conditions
  • Specific Learning Disabilities

The list goes on to include Multiple Sclerosis, Thalassemia, Hemophilia, Sickle Cell disease, and so on, and even includes victims of special conditions such as Acid Attack Victims. A common thread is the intense desire of the Disabled to stand up again, and to contribute to Society as “normal” people.

Why Charity?

Charity is defined as the actual giving, or means of giving, of help to those in need, or with Disability. The fact is, the cost of support required by the Disabled are often prohibitive, and difficult for those who need it to be able to afford it. Trusts and charities offer funds towards the disability equipment high cost and its maintenance/running costs, towards the occasional holiday, housing, in the fact anything beyond and above the everyday living normal costs. Governments that are wise and benevolent, know that this help is very specialized, and can only be provided by self-motivated Charities and Trusts. Individualized and personal attention and help are the domain of perfectly trained and driven Charities, not large corporate style or politicized Government bodies.

List of Charities

Following is a short list of the thousands of well-meaning and effective Charities For People With Disabilities:

  • Allies Inc. : This is a most unusual Charity. Its objective is to remove discrimination from almost all walks of life, with respect to the Disabled. People with disabilities are invited to participate in all kinds of activities that normally is inaccessible to them. Music is still understandable, but farming! Members are also assisted with healthcare and housing, as this will emphasize their independence.
  • Blooming With Autism : This is a wondrous place that take autistic children by the hand, and lead them to a kindly adulthood. Specially invented therapies are in use here, which are quite unique. Jodi davis, Founder and President, admits freely that she herself was empowered by her autistic elder daughter. This is a place of hope.
  • Legacy Of Hope : Specialized horseback riding is just one of the liberating activities offered to handicapped people. Julie Lyles Carr, Executive Director of the Organization, is also a mother of eight, two of whose children have special needs. This is her and her Legacy’s inspiration.
  • Easterseals : This 90-year-old charity has been working with autistic children, with uniquely effective programs saluted the world over.
  • Ventures Travel : Another unique group, that enhances the self-esteem and confidence of our disabled brethren by supporting and guiding them adventure trips, something that is quite unique in the world.
  • Hills: Standing for “Healthy Independent Leisure and Lifestyle”, their goal to promote healthy living for the disabled, under their specialized guidance and training.
  • Advancing Opportunities : This Charity has a mission to drive independent living for the disabled, lending free assistive technology to adults needing help, and leading them to gainful employment.
  • The Arc Alliance : Family is at the heart of the efforts by this Charity, coupled with reverse thinking. This Charity projects the Disabled as “specially abled”, and able to sense and do what no “normal” person ever could.
  • Autism Speaks : ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), its causes and interventions, are at the core of the research by this Group, which spreads the message that Autistic People are talented People, and should never be ignored by Society.